Another Solution for Uploading Scripts

Some time ago I wrote Scriptorium to keep the scripts on your Mac in sync with the same scripts on your Jamf Pro server.

Thanks to the excellent tool jctl from the people at the Marriot Library of the University of Utah I have a simple solution using their tool and git hooks so when you push to your repo the script is updated in Jamf Pro.

Install jctl from their repo at Once you have done that you need the hook in .git/hooks in your repo. Call it pre_push

if [[ $(git diff origin/main@{1} origin/main --name-status | grep -c ${name_of_script}) > 0 ]]; then
var=$(cat "${path_of_script}")
/opt/homebrew/bin/jctl scripts -i ${id_of_script} -u script_contents="${var}" --use-the-force-luke

pre-push means that the hook runs after you have typed git push and before the actual push occurs. If you want to you can stop the push from happening by returning non-zero from your script. I don’t do that as I’m not doing any testing in the hook.

name_of_script is, of course, the name of the script. path_of_script is the name of, and path to, the script. id_of_script is the ID in Jamf Pro of the script, you can find it in the URL of the script.

I use direnv to set the variables. You could hard code them but that seems like actual work. Now every time you do a git push the script is sent to your server.

Let me know if you find this useful.